
A short brief.

Rude Golems is a collection of 8,888 NFTs originally launched on the Solana blockchain, with the initial sale taking place at the end of November 2021.

The entire collection features extremely high quality 3D designs, with attention to detail in every single piece. All the NFTs in the collection were randomly generated using combinations of accessories that make them unique.

The lore that surrounds the entire collection guides and orients its development, giving rise to new collections, interesting mechanics, and creating the Rudeverse.

From the day of the initial sale, Rude Golems has a commercial agreement with Creadore Studios to further expand the brand and its possibilities.


Rude Golems was initially a collection based on its art & lore. Through the development of the story, we have been creating tools that support the initial idea of entertainment that we intended to generate with this collection. Up to the current point in which we remain completely focused on exploiting technology to the maximum in order to create a sustainable environment where the holders enjoy their stay.

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