A complete guide to understand how the platform works.
Last updated
A complete guide to understand how the platform works.
Last updated
1️⃣ Connect your wallet.
2️⃣ Setup training den.
3️⃣ Select the Rude Warriors that are currently in your wallet and send them to training by clicking on the "Sent to Training" button.
4️⃣ Each day, you can claim your earned rewards via Staking/Training by clicking on the COIN ICON. You can claim the rewards individually, or as a whole, simply select your Rude Warriors you want to claim.
5️⃣ If you want to unstake your NFTs and take them back to your wallet, select them and click on the SKULL ICON.
6️⃣ Change the tab to "Battlefield".
7️⃣ Select the NFTs that are currently in Training and send them to war by clicking on the "Sent to War" button.
8️⃣ When a war end, you MUST click on the COIN ICON to collect the rewards earned by your NFTs at war. Then, your NFTs will come back automatically to Training.
For a more visual explanation of the process, please watch the video.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I Train every Golem or Demon I have?
Of course, you can't train in bulk more than 2-4 because of Transaction limits but you certainly can Train all your Rudes!
What is the Transaction Limit error?
As mentioned above, there are transaction limits, you might have to lower the number of Demons or Golems you are simultaneously sending to war.
What is the minimum training time?
Be aware that your NFTs will be Training for at least 48h. They need to get strong enough for the War. (you won't be able to unstake your Golems/Demons for 48h)
Why does it charge me?
Each Solana transaction has a small fee. Most of those will get refunded when you unstake
What is Training?
This is the base form of staking, you train and get Token rewards daily. You can leave your Golem and Demon training forever if you want to, you do not need to remove it from training to participate in different wars.
War is about to start! What are the steps?
War is starting, let's go through the steps.
-First: Enlisting period. You will have 24h to submit your participation in the starting war. You won't be able to participate while war has started, you can only enlist to war during the enlisting time. Those who managed to enlist will automatically participate in the war. You will always have to first start training before enlisting.
-Second: War starts. The battle starts, Wars will usually take 48h. Once started, there will be points based on participation. One team will win.
-Third: Claiming War Prizes! There will be one Winner team, either Golems or Demons. The winning team will be able to claim the biggest token pot, the losing team will still get a smaller prize allocation so you definitely want to participate!
How do the Tiers work?
Golems and Demons are split into tiers, the higher the rank the higher the tier. The higher the tier the more points it will get their team in the wars and more daily token rewards it will get. You can find more info on the war platform. Yes, Demons are more powerful overall.